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Holy Child Primary School, Derry

Pancake day in P3b

4th Mar 2025
P3B had a fantastic day filled with lots of pancake activities. We began our day reading the story of The Big Pancake and joined in retelling the story. We then looked at different versions and compared the similarities and differences in each of the versions. This inspired us to then write our own versions of the story. The children produced some fantastic writing!

In the afternoon we then made our own pancakes and loved getting to flip the pancakes. We even had a very competitive pancake flipping contest with some get up to 67 tosses!

The best part came when it was time to eat the pancakes and top them with our favourite toppings. They went down a treat!

We finished our day reading the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. The children particularly enjoyed the ending to this funny story.