Notices - Week beginning 3rd Sept 2018
A newsletter will be sent home on Monday could everyone please read it as it contains lots of information.
P1 children will go home after canteen on Mon,Tues and Wed at 1.05. From Thurs P1 will go home at 2.15.
Could all parents please label children’s belongings as we have already had jumpers, coats etc being misplaced.
Thank you to everyone for their support in sending in either money or lunches while free school meals situation was sorted by the EA.
Breakfast club begins on Monday at 8.15 - parents are very welcome to accompany their child/ren. Each child can receive free breakfast.
Kidz club also begins Monday please pay Caroline before 9 as numbers are limited.
Holy Child Primary School
Central Drive
Derry BT48 9QQ
Telephone: 028 7126 1263