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Holy Child Primary School, Derry


2016/2017 School Year

13th Apr 2017
Miss Cullen's P1 class have been learning all about Spring. The children have been...
13th Apr 2017
Children from Miss Cullen's P1 class who received attendance certificates
13th Apr 2017
The Easter draw prize winners from Miss Cullen's P1 class
11th Apr 2017
P3 class wish all our parents a happy Easter. Next term we will be looking...
10th Apr 2017
Did you know you can stand on eggs and they won't break? Mrs O' Connor's class had...
10th Apr 2017
Our class learned all about what happened at Easter in the Easter Story. We enjoyed...
10th Apr 2017
The Primary 5 children were delighted this week to receive a batch of beautiful...
9th Apr 2017
  The only club running this week will be Zumba on Monday afternoon 3-4pm...