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Holy Child Primary School, Derry


2023/2024 School Year

16th Jun 2024
Our Primary 4 children had such a great morning spent with all their dads, and important...
15th Jun 2024
For all of their hard work this year P6 were treated to a trip to the cinema to watch...
15th Jun 2024
The Primary 5 boys and girls had a great day on Friday for 'Donuts for Dad' โ˜บ๏ธ! We...
14th Jun 2024
The boys and girls in P3 had a fantastic time at Sports Day. There were lots of skills...
14th Jun 2024
We had the best day in nursery today, after our Donuts for Dads we had our sports...
14th Jun 2024
This was a week full of sports at Holy Child Primary School. We had our sports day...
14th Jun 2024
We had the best morning celebrating all the males in our life having breakfast together...
14th Jun 2024
Primary 4 had a wonderful time during our pamper day on Wednesday to promote wellbeing....
14th Jun 2024
Primary 4 had such a brilliant time during our music workshop this week! They all...