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Holy Child Primary School, Derry


2023/2024 School Year

26th Jun 2024
The boys and girls in Primary 1 had a fantastic time at our “We Are 5”...
26th Jun 2024
Primary 7 children were treated to a magnificent dinner put on by our wonderful,...
26th Jun 2024
The children in primary 3 enjoyed a lovely treat today for being fantastic children...
24th Jun 2024
A huge congratulations to our Nursery children today as they graduate! What a year...
24th Jun 2024
Primary 7 continued the count down to their last day at Holy Child Primary School....
21st Jun 2024
The children in Mrs Whoriskey’s class had a fabulous day spent at Jungle NI!...
21st Jun 2024
The children in Miss Cullen's class had a fantastic fun-filled day at Jungle NI....
21st Jun 2024
What an exciting fun filled day for Primary One! They were delighted to go on the...
21st Jun 2024
This week the Care Crew had a sunny visit to Creggan Country park to help the staff...